COVID-19 Policy
Hello! Thank you for choosing SetGood to help along this journey to a better version of you. In this day and age, with health and safety at the top of everyone’s minds, we’re doing our best to ensure the proper protocols are in place to make sure all our clients are protected. These practices will be instilled throughout sessions in the private studio and in the homes of clients:
A mask must be worn at all times by all clients during the session. No exceptions.
All clients entering SetGood Studio will have their temperature checked upon arrival by an infra-red thermometer. Clients with an elevated temperature will be sent home.
Antibacterial hand gel is to be used upon entering the studio, this is for all clients and staff alike.
Please bring your own towels and water bottles. They will not be provided at the SetGood studio
Antibacterial wipes supplied are to be used to wipe down weights and equipment, before & after use, this includes the mats.
Daily, thorough cleaning will occur to disinfect high touch areas like weights and equipment frequently throughout the day.
Please do not come to the studio if you're unwell with a cough, cold or other flu-like illness, or are in close contact with anyone who is unwell.
If you need to cough or sneeze, use a tissue and bin it immediately, then wash your hands and apply the sanitising gel provided.
Please refrain from touching your face/mouth or eyes whilst training.
One client per session will be allowed in the studio. The only exception is group workouts where only up to 5 clients per session will be permitted at the studio.
Social distancing has to be maintained between clients at all times
Showers are not to be used at this time.
Along with these guidelines, SetGood LLC adheres to the standards contained within the Interim Guidance for Gyms and Fitness Centers during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (“Interim COVID-19 Guidance for Gyms and Fitness Centers”) published by the New York State Department of Health.